Management Solutions
Make learning delivery easy to your users and functional to administrators

Comprehensive Learning Management System
You need an integrated management system that will simplify in person, remote and distant learning. Deliver and manage your user content. Make the assessment and record keeping easy to your administrators. Align and record content to industry standards and SOP’s .
- Content Management
- Learning Management
- Link Outcomes to Unit Standards, Skills Programmes
- Link Content to Unit Standards, Skills Programmes
- Link Skills to Standard Operating Procedures
- User Management
- Videos, PDF's, Voice Recordings, Webinars
- Stakeholder Management
- Assessments
- Reporting
Training your Team &
Support Staff
Manage your Skills Development Processes. Develop your team and administrators. Access training, reporting and learner management.

System Implementation
You need to plan, develop and execute your learning solutions! Our team will assist your from project initiation phase to implementation and monitoring stage.