Big Blue Button
Core Feature
The integration into Moodle core means every school that upgrades to Moodle 4.0 onwards will have a built-in ability to use BigBlueButton as their virtual classroom at their fingertips.

The integration into Moodle core means every school that upgrades to Moodle 4.0 onwards will have a built-in ability to use BigBlueButton as their virtual classroom at their fingertips.
Would you like to do your online contact with your participants right inside your course content. Then BigBlueButton is your answer. You do not have to use a platform outside of the platform
BigBlueButton is a virtual classroom software program designed for online education. It is accessed through Learning Management Systems, providing engagement tools and analytics which enable educators to interact with their students remotely.
A teacher can add a “Room/Activity with recordings” (default) to course content that allows users to join a BBB meeting, access recordings.